About me

second section

Here is my story…

Being a very stubborn (or goal-oriented?) is my kind of thing. I would like to share 3 of my most significant life shifts with you, so you can get a better idea of who you are dealing with.

Year 2000: I was 12 years old. That was the first time in my life when I felt that my surrounding, my life circumstances are limiting me. I was living in a small village-like district in Donetsk, Ukraine, attending a local school. My big dream was to get educated at a private school. I hated the school I studied at and the feeling was mutual.

One summer day, I ran out of school burst in tears, because I could no longer bear staying there. The atmosphere was so cruel, that my desire to become a pupil at a private school became simply vital for me. I found books to prepare for exams, copied them, and started learning maths on my own. I had to compete with some of the of the cleverest kids in the whole city and become one of the best! Guess what? I made it.

Around 2004: I read my first psychology book. Even though my teenage life was more or less stable, I had some hard times and went throuth some personal challenges daily. I realized quiet fast that there was no magicion who could help me, although I tried talking to some.

Year 2010: I was 22 years old. I’d already got my first university degree and was working on getting the second one. I worked as a personal assistant and office manager at a private dental clinic. My boss told me that getting good money was only possible for sugar daddies or if you had good connections. That was quite a strong limiting belief, that I didn’t agree with at all.

Guess what I did? I quit the job, packed my suitcase and… moved abroad. I landed in North Germany in December 2010. I had some savings. I statred working  an intern at a small consulting agency. My salary was 650€ and I couldn’t speak any German, but I had great ambitions. I wanted to succeed in Europe and to become a well-paid professional.

Did it go the way I expected? No. A year later the company went bankruptcy and I found Did it go the way I expected it to? No. A year later the company went bust (turned bankrupt) and I had no money even for food. I was in a foreign country with no job or a place to live. That’s when I hit the rock bottom, which also became a turning point for me.

In 2012, I got an IT job in Munich. I met my boyfriend and I had enough money to live. I thought that I was living my dream life then, but pretty soon it all started to fall to peaces again. I had to change my job. I went through a hard breaking up with my boyfriend. I was depressed, broke, simply empty inside.

I was so confused with that situation. I couldn’t understand why the things went that way. I did everything by the book: I was kind, generous, and hard-working. Why didn’t that life formula work for me? Why, once again, I didn’t have money? Why didn’t I have someone who loved me. I felt so lonely in this big world.

I put myself together once again, and decided, that everything had to change. If things kept repeating in the same pattern and I failed over and over again then, probably, I was missing some important pieces of my life puzzle.

The first thing I focused on was money. I started looking at money from psychological and financial perspective at the same time. That’s when everything changed!

In 2017, I became an IT team leader at the finance & real estate department. I married a man of my dreams. He treats me as his queen. We have two lovely kids together. I was working on putting my finances into place, and all the other spheres of my life improved as well! Was it magic? No. Just psychology and hard daily work for my personal growth.

In 2021, I started a blog about female empowerment. Soon I realized that I would limit myself again if I didn’t spread my message around the world (share my message with the world).

That’s how the Modern Female Academy was established. Its mission is to educate women across the globe about the power they have.